Timeline • 1 month • 2023
digital debates about current political topics.

App-based 60-minute discussions with experts and well-known personalities, addressing important issues. These conversations are about current regional topics and always open to everyone, encouraging direct participation. It’s a digital space where different perspectives come together to tackle real-world political challenges.

Event announcement posts
Protagonists statement posts
Europe election talk posts


Timeline • 1 month • 2023
can Climate campaigns be fun?

City-wide campaign in Berlin for climate education: on the street with pop-up stands and trendy videos on social media. The campaign was centered around gamification, making learning fun and engaging through interactive quizzes, challenges, and rewards to spark interest in climate issues.

Timeline • 1 month • 2024
campaign for civic participation in Eastern Germany.

Local discussions on pressing issues and a platform for community members to exchange ideas. These conversations can take place in various settings, such as clubs, workplaces, or neighbourhoods, allowing everyone to contribute.
Funding for the project came from the Robert Bosch Foundation, Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt (German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering) and "Demokratie Leben," an initiative by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.